
Humira Competition Begins

Amjevita, the first biosimilar competitor to Humira hit the U.S. market at the end of January.  Showcasing the dysfunction of our healthcare delivery system, the copycat drug came to market with two drastically different list prices. One, a mere 5% discount relative to Humira and another with a 55% discount. Why two prices and who would pay for the more expensive option?  

The Blockbuster Drug of our Lifetime Loses its Monopoly Status on January 1, 2023

In 2003, a little drug named Humira hit the market under the name DE27. Analysts believed at the time that Humira, which was approved to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis, would eventually generate between $500M and $1B in sales annually. In 2021, Humira’s global sales totaled $20.7B. Lifetime earnings have eclipsed $200B.
