physical therapy

Athletico Physical Therapy Deal Inked and What It Means for Our Clients

Athletico Physical Therapy Deal Inked and What It Means for Our Clients

Simpara recently secured a direct contract with Athletico Physical Therapy that includes facilities in both Missouri and Illinois for a total of over 200 clinics.

For more than 25 years, Athletico has been helping alleviate pain and discomfort from the lives of their patients. They’re dedicated to delivering exceptional care with a focus on enhancing people’s health and quality of life. Their expertise also extends to the evaluation of workers’ compensation issues like work conditioning, job-site analysis and ergonomic assessments.

Athletico Webinar Wednesday - Employer Series

Join Athletico for in-depth discussions with industry leaders and healthcare providers on ways to protect your employees and mitigate work force injuries by implementing strategies that improve musculoskeletal health throughout the employment cycle.
